By Dr Maria Cecilia Mosquera
Clinical Associate Professor of Lifestyle Medicine
University Primary Care Centre, UNIC Medical School

Dear UNIC Family,

As you work to balance your work and personal lives in this era of “social distancing,” try to dedicate some time each day to move more. Remember to set smalls goals that are “SMART,” so that you can track your progress and achieve them in a healthy way. Below are some ideas to help you get started.

#2. Physical Activity


You might be tempted to sit in front of a screen at home all day. But, spending large amounts of time being inactive increases your health risks, even if you exercise! Add some activity breaks to your day:

  • Set an alarm to get up every 30 minutes.
  • Walk around while on the phone.
  • Take a walk break every time you take a coffee or tea break.


If your health allows, set a schedule to start adding some purposeful physical activity to your day. Physical activity can help with stress and lower your risk of health problems, such as Type II diabetes, coronary heart disease, depression, and some cancers. Start small, working towards an ultimate goal each week of at least 150 minutes of moderate physical activity (e.g. – brisk walking or moderate dancing) or 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity (e.g. – jogging, skipping rope, or going up the stairs) with strengthening activities twice a week.

As Scott Kelly said, a retired NASA astronaut who knows a lot about social isolation having spent a year in space, spend time in nature [if allowed per Cyprus government movement restrictions] and ensure your quarantine schedule includes moving once a day, “just stay at least six feet away from others.”

To help you get moving more at home, try some of these free resources:



Older Adults:

  • Go4Life – Workout videos for older adults

And, if you need further motivation to move more, consider joining the new “UNIC Medical School” team for the American Public Health Association’s Billion Steps Challenge, which ends 12 April 2020.

Let’s move more together, while still following the rules of social distancing.